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First blog post in five years!


Hi there! I’ve been meaning to do a blog for a while now. When I set up this website, I specifically chose a format that included a blog. And one of the first things I did was make a post! Just one. I’m full of good intentions! I guess I was mostly focused on posting to social media at the time, and felt I didn’t have time for both, or that it might be redundant, or even that it would be boring.

Over the last few months (or couple of years?) I’ve been posting to social media less, mostly because it’s discouraging when it’s clear that most of the people who follow me don’t see my posts anyway due to whatever the current algorithm is. And I’ve also been on social media less recently anyway because SO MANY FREAKING ADS. And follow suggestions. Anyone else getting ad fatigue? Or getting tired of seeing randos all over your feed?

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about it, and maybe now is the time to start blog-posting here on the regular. Back in the day when I had an office job, I traveled a lot for work. A lot. Mostly to Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Kansas City, all places that are major railroad/intermodal hubs. If you’ve read my bio, you may remember that I used to be an Engineer. My degree is in Mechanical, but my job was more Civil, and I was essentially a project manager for large (and small) scale construction projects. Oh, the glamor! Now I need to go find a pic of me in my sassy safety getup - complete with hard hat, high-vis vest, safety glasses, and steel toed boots. When I was not on the road, though, I was mostly going to meetings and on conference calls (yawn) and otherwise didn’t have a ton to do in the office. Though I am sure I could have busied myself with some busy work, I would usually start my day by checking out several blogs of artsy/craftsy/gardening folks and sit around wishing I had a similar artsy/craftsy/gardening type of lifestyle. I basically lived vicariously through their blog posts.

My intention with this blog is to similarly entertain all of you out there who may also be trapped at a desk busying yourselves with busy work. I’m paying it forward, if you will. I am planning to bring you guys a look into my life and what’s going on with me and around me. Hopefully this will be interesting to you! Or, at least help you look like you’re working while you’re at your desk. And for the rest of you, hopefully there will be some content that you find useful (or at least entertaining)!

As I sit here typing this, my husband Dyron and I are on our way to Santa Fe. If you’ve followed me for a while, you probably know that we go out there a lot. Six times last year, in fact! This is our second trip this year. Why Santa Fe, you ask? Well, it’s drivable for us - about 8.5 hours away from our house in Fort Worth TX. Which means we can bring our bikes! And our skis in the winter! The bikes are the big thing though. This trip we brought all four: two road, two mountain. We are feeling ambitious about riding a lot this trip! We have traveled by air with our road bikes before, and it’s fine, but a little complicated getting them around in their big bike boxes (and then D has to set them up once we get to where we are going, and break them down to get them back in the boxes - I help a little but really he gets the credit for all the bike work that goes on).

Santa Fe also has great weather, amazing dining options, abounding natural beauty, and of course, it’s very inspiring for my artistic side. So any time we talk about taking a trip, we end up rejecting plans that don’t take us to Santa Fe. Plus, we are planning to eventually move there, and every trip we take we learn a little bit more about our future home town.

I’ll be taking lots of photos and my plan is to post here about the trip! And then, after we get home, I will post about every day life things. My life consists mostly of raising teenagers, making jewelry, cycling, gardening, cooking, and other things that I expect many of you also do, and may find interesting to read about. I hope you do! Oh - and dog pics! Who doesn’t want to see dog (and cat) pics? We have two dogs and three cats who are always up to something. The dogs especially, and one of them is a puppy! Both Aussies.

On that note, what would you like to hear about? Some of you may want some how-to technique videos, either to help you in your own metalsmithing journey, or just because you’re curious about how things are made. Or maybe you’re into cycling too? Or gardening? Or healthy (and sometimes not) cooking? Or cocktails? D and I love us some craft cocktails. I always take a pic of a pretty cocktail when I am served one. Anyway, I’d love to hear from you. Even if you just say hi, leave me a note below! Tell me where you’re from if you’d like. I’d love to get some comments so I know someone is reading!

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